Getting Started

Once hessQuik is installed, you can import as follows:

import hessQuik.activations as act
import hessQuik.layers as lay
import hessQuik.networks as net

You can construct a hessQuik network from layers as follows:

d = 10 # dimension of the input features
widths = [32, 64] # hidden channel dimensions
f = net.NN(lay.singleLayer(d, widths[0], act.antiTanhActivation()),
    lay.resnetLayer(widths[0], h=1.0, act.softplusActivation()),
    lay.singleLayer(widths[0], widths[1], act.quadraticActivation())

You can obtain gradients and Hessians via:

nex = 20 # number of examples
x = torch.randn(nex, d)
fx, dfx, d2fx = f(x, do_gradient=True, do_Hessian=True)

That’s it! You now have computed the value, gradient, and Hessian of the network \(f\) at the point \(x\).